Join us for Sunday Worship!

Our worship service is held Sunday morning at 10 AM. A live stream is provided via FaceBook for those who prefer.

All are welcome!

We will continually strive to remain in compliance with all CDC recommendations. Please check back regularly and follow us on Facebook for the most up to date information.


Sunday School

Adult Sunday School classes are held every Sunday at 9 AM.



Entering into the covenant of marriage is an important and joyful decision! To request information on wedding ceremonies held at FPC Warren please feel free to send us an email or call our church office at (814)-723-9200



We are here to share this time of loss and help you celebrate the life and resurrection of your loved one. Please contact the church office at 814-723-9200 or contact us below.


The Presbyterian Church observes two sacraments: baptism and communion (often called the Lord’s Supper). If you have questions about or interest in the sacraments, please feel free to contact us!


The Lord’s Supper is an observance of the meal Jesus shared with his disciples on the night before his death on a cross. It is a sign of our participation in his life, death, and resurrection. God’s saving grace is active in this sacrament as bread is broken and the cup is poured: we remember that Jesus’ body and blood were freely given on our behalf so that through his death and by his resurrection we are set free from the powers of sin and death. FPC extends a welcome to all who come to the table regardless of age or membership; everyone is invited to trust in Jesus as Lord and to accept God’s unconditional love! The Lord’s Supper (called the Feast of Faith at FPC) is celebrated about ten times a year utilizing gluten-free bread and nonalcoholic grape juice.


Baptism is an outward sign of our inclusion in God’s family, represented by a local congregation and sometimes called the Body of Christ. The sacrament utilizes water which symbolizes both the cleansing power of God’s grace and the life-giving power of God’s love upon which we depend. It is offered during a worship service during which God’s people are gathered to make promises to the one being baptized. Baptism may be administered to a person at any age. The baptism of an infant or young child highlights God’s desire to claim us even before we can understand. Baptism may be remembered many times but the sacrament is administered only once.


All are Welcome