Connect, Support, Care, Fellowship
Whether it’s a Cuppa Coffee on a Wednesday morning, a hot meal, a place for support or Christian fellowship, FPC hosts and houses various community based organizations to meet our physical and spiritual needs.
All are welcome
Make it stand out.
Cuppa Coffee
Who doesn’t love a good Cuppa Coffee? Join us on Wednesday Mornings at 9:30AM for coffee and conversation. Come once, come often, come as you are!
Dinner With Friends
Gathering at one of our local restaurants, we join together in a time of food and fellowship! Each month our “host” or “hostess” will choose a location where we will dine, Dutch Treat Style, while we enjoy the company of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Sharing Place
Thursday Afternoons 3:30-5:00
FPC is happy to host our community Sharing Place. We work with a group of local churches to provide a hot meal to for anyone who would like to partake. You have the option of either take-out or you can eat your meal with others and beverages are provided. We love your heart for giving, and we have so many requests to volunteer, but at the moment we are fully staffed. But please check back frequently as needs are always changing.
“God grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change, the COURAGE to change the things I can, and the WISDOM to know the difference” ~Serenity Prayer
AA meetings are currently scheduled for Tuesdays at 12 noon with special Men’s group on Friday at 6PM and Women’s group Tuesday at 7PM.
NA meetings are held Thursday at 6:30PM.
If you need immediate help from Alcoholics Anonymous please call 1-800-839-1686. For more information please visit the AA website. Help is always free and confidential.
For further information from Narcotics Anonymous please visit their website through the provided link.